Martin Luther
Metadata Property Object
Name foaf:name Martin Luther
Gender foaf:gender Male
Citizenship dbo:citizenship German
Place of Birth person:placeOfBirth Eisleben
Place of Death person:placeOfDeath Eisleben
Date of Birth dbo:birthDate 10-11-1483
Date of Death dbo:deathDate 18-02-1546
Education core:education University of Erfurt
Occupation core:occupation Priest
Known for core:knownFor Being a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation
Traditional Movement dbo:traditionMovement Lutheranism
Wiki page dbo:wikiPageExternalLink

John Calvin
Metadata Property Object
Name foaf:name John Calvin
Gender foaf:gender Male
Citizenship dbo:citizenship French
Place of Birth person:placeOfBirth Noyon
Place of Death person:placeOfDeath Geneva
Date of Birth dbo:birthDate 10-07-1509
Date of Death dbo:deathDate 27-05-1564
Education core:education University of Orléans
University of Bourges
Occupation core:occupation Priest
Known for core:knownFor Being the principal figure in the development of Calvinism
Traditional Movement dbo:traditionMovement Calvinism
Wiki page dbo:wikiPageExternalLink

Pope Leo X
Metadata Property Object
Name foaf:name Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici
Alternative name dc:alternate Pope Leo X
Gender foaf:gender Male
Citizenship dbo:citizenship Italian
Place of Birth person:placeOfBirth Florence
Place of Death person:placeOfDeath Roma
Date of Birth dbo:birthDate 12-11-1475
Date of Death dbo:deathDate 1-12-1521
Date of Death dbp:consecration 17-03-1513
Created cardinal by dbp:createdCardinalBy Pope Innocent VIII
Education core:education University of Pisa
Occupation core:occupation Pope
Predecessor dbp:predecessor Pope Julius II
Successor dbp:successor Pope Adrian VI
Known for core:knownFor Being the Pope who introduced the sale of indulgences, from which the controversy of Martin Luther arised.
Traditional Movement dbo:traditionMovement Cattolicism
Wiki page dbo:wikiPageExternalLink