Metadata Property Object
Name gn:name Wittenberg
Alternative name gn:alternateName Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Brief description dbo:abstract Wittenberg is a town in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Wittenberg is famous for its close connection with Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, for which it received the honorific Lutherstadt.
Type of place dbo:type City
Area code dbo:areaCode 06886
Country dbo:country Germany
Country code gn:countryCode DE
Latitude wgs84_pos:lat 51° 86’ 61″ N
Longitude wgs84_pos:long 12° 64’ 97″ E
Population gn:population 46 475
Wiki page dbo:wikiPageExternalLink

Metadata Property Object
Name gn:name Nurenberg
Alternative name gn:alternateName Noremberg
Brief description dbo:abstract Nuremberg is the second-largest city of the German federal state of Bavaria after its capital Munich, and its 511,628 inhabitants make it the 14th largest city in Germany.
Type of place dbo:type City
Area code dbo:areaCode 0911
Country dbo:country Germany
Country code gn:countryCode DE
Latitude wgs84_pos:lat 49° 27′ 10″ N
Longitude wgs84_pos:long 11° 4′ 40″ E
Population gn:population 509.975
Wiki page dbo:wikiPageExternalLink