ViRS Museum

	     - Virtual Roman Shipwreck Museum -

The creator

Chantal Lengua graduated in Humanities at the Università di Genova. Her passion in the sea life and the marine creatures interweaves with her interest in technology and digital innovations. For this latter reason, she is currently attending the Master in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge at the Università di Bologna.

The purpose of this website is to present an end-of-course project for the course 'Museology, Museography and Virtual Environments', under prof. Caraceni.

All copyrights and related rights on the images displayed in the website remain with their original owners, except the pictures of the artifacts of the Roman Naval Museum of Albenga taken by the author (June 2019). All copyrights on the layout choices of the website and the content and idea of ViRS project are 2019@VIRS.


Università di Bologna

Via Zamboni 33

40126 Bologna, Italy

Mail: chantal.lengua[at]