"Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum"
Metadata Property Object
Title rdai:P40082 Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum
Author dcterms:creator Martin Luther
Publisher dcterms:publisher Hieronymus Höltzel
Date of creation dcterms:created 31/10/1517
Place of creation dcterms: coverage Nuremberg
Current location dcterms:spatial Berlin
Subject rdai:P40061 95 Theses
Description dcterms:description Martin Luther’s Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum of 1517, commonly known as the Ninety-Five Theses, is considered the central document of the Protestant Reformation.
Type dcterms:type Broadsheet
Material dcterms:medium Parchment
Format dcterms:format Print
Dimension rdai:P40010 Two pages
Language dc:language Latin
Identifier rdai:P40001 SBB00003DCA00000000
Provider/keeper rdai:P40004 Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Rights rdai:P40048 Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

Metadata Property Object
Title rdai:P40082 Septembertestament
Author dcterms:creator Martin Luther
Publisher dcterms:publisher Melchior Lotter der Ältere
Date of creation dcterms:created 1517
Place of creation dcterms: coverage Wittenberg
Current location dcterms:spatial Wolfenbüttel
Subject rdai:P40061 The New Testament translated in German
Description dcterms:description The September Testament is the first complete New Testament in German based on the Greek text. Martin Luther gives in the table of contents to recognize which of the writings of the New Testament he appreciates less. This typical change of order continues to this day in all subsequent editions of the Lutheran Bible. Illustrations in the September Testament are representations of the biblical evangelists and apostles at the beginning of each book.
Type dcterms:type Book
Material dcterms:medium Pages made from parchment folded and sewn onto ligaments attached to wooden boards and covered with leather
Format dcterms:format Print
Dimension rdai:P40010 CVII, [1 empty, 6], LXXVII, [1 empty, 26] sheets: 21 ill. (Woodcut); 2 °
Language dc:language German
Identifier rdai:P40001 urn:nbn:de:gbv:23-drucke/bibel-s-4f-2573
Provider/keeper rdai:P40004 Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
Rights rdai:P40048 Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

"Das Zeitalter der Reformation"
Metadata Property Object
Title rdai:P40082 Das Zeitalter der Reformation
Author dcterms:creator Friedrich Eduard Eichens
Date of creation dcterms:created 1854/55
Place of creation dcterms:coverage Unknown
Current location dcterms:spatial Washington, D.C.
Subject rdai:P40061 Allegorical composite group of eighty men and one woman (Elizabeth I of England) prominent in the Protestant Reformation.
Description dcterms:description Digital file from original print representing a Protestant Reformation allegorical group of eighty men and one woman.
Type dcterms:type Print
Material dcterms:medium Paper
Format dcterms:format Engraving
Dimension rdai:P40010 ---
Language dc:language German
Identifier rdai:P40001
Provider/keeper rdai:P40004 Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Rights rdai:P40048 No known restrictions on publication

"Gli effetti della Riforma Protestante"
Metadata Property Object
Title rdai:P40082 Gli effetti della riforma protestante
Author dcterms:creator Charles Reinhardt
Translator pico:translator Erminio Turcotti
Date of creation dcterms:created 1940
Place of creation dcterms: coverage Woodstock, Maryland (U.S.A.)
Current location dcterms:spatial Milan
Subject rdai:P40061 Reflection on the effects of the Protestant Reformation in the contemporary world, the inhomogeneity of nations and the rise of modern capitalism, free from the morality imposed by the Church.
Description dcterms:description Online version of the article “Gli effetti della Riforma protestante”, part of the Italian magazine "Rassegna di cultura", translated into Italian.
Type dcterms:type Article
Material dcterms:medium Printed text
Format dcterms:format Print
Dimension rdai:P40010 Three pages
Language dc:language Italian
Identifier rdai:P40001 EVA_0AAC_A345907/TO00192473
Provider/keeper rdai:P40004 Biblioteca nazionale Braidense
Rights rdai:P40048 Biblioteca nazionale Braidense

"Bulla contra errores Martini Lutheri & sequacium"
Metadata Property Object
Title rdai:P40082 Bulla contra errores Martini Lutheri et sequacium
Alternative name dc:alternate Exsurge domine
Author dcterms:creator Pope Leo X
Date of creation dcterms:created 15-6-1520
Place of creation dcterms: coverage Rome
Current location dcterms:spatial Rome
Subject rdai:P40061 Opposition to Martin Luther
Description dcterms:description A papal bull written in response to the teachings of Martin Luther, who opposed the views of the Church. It censored 41 propositions extracted from Luther's Ninety-five Theses and subsequent writings, and threatened him with excommunication unless he recanted within a sixty-day period commencing upon the publication of the bull in Saxony and its neighboring regions.
Type dcterms:type Text
Material dcterms:medium Paper
Format dcterms:format Print
Dimension rdai:P40010 ---
Language dc:language Latin
Identifier rdai:P40001 RMLE005568
Provider/keeper rdai:P40004 Biblioteca Casanatense
Rights rdai:P40048 Biblioteca Casanatense

"Institutio christianae religionis, Iohanne Caluuino authore"
Metadata Property Object
Title rdai:P40082 Institutio christianae religionis, Iohanne Caluuino authore
Author dcterms:creator John Calvin
Publisher dcterms:publisher Iohannem le Preux
Date of creation dcterms:created 1602 or 1536
Place of creation dcterms: coverage Geneva
Current location dcterms:spatial Florence
Subject rdai:P40061 Reformed Church, Theology, Doctrinal
Description dcterms:description The Institutio christianae religionis, Iohanne Caluuino authore is a theological text written by John Calvin published in 1536. The work is a treatise on Protestant systematic theology that has had great influence in the Western world.
Type dcterms:type Book
Material dcterms:medium Printed text
Format dcterms:format Print
Dimension rdai:P40010 718 Pages
Language dc:language Latin
Identifier rdai:P40001 info:sbn/CFIE018902
Provider/keeper rdai:P40004 Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - Firenze
Rights rdai:P40048 Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - Firenze

"Gedenkstein zum 400. Jahrestag der Reformation"
Metadata Property Object
Title oad:title "Gedenkstein zum 400. Jahrestag der Reformation"
Place of creation dc:coverage Geising
Current location oad:place Geising
Subject dcterms:subject Reformation
Type eac-cpf:entityType Stone
Material dcterms:medium Sandstein
Provider/keeper oad:has_custody Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
Rights eac-cpf:rightsDeclaration SLUB / Deutsche Fotothek
Administrative or biographical history oad:administrativeBiographicalHistory ---

"Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott : Kantate am Reformationsfest"
Metadata Property Object
Title crm:P102_has_title Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott : Kantate am Reformationsfest
Creator crm:P14_carried_out_by Bach, Johann Sebastian
Date of creation crm:P4_has_time_span 1527-1529
Current location oad:place Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma
Subject dcterms:subject Lutheranism, Martin Luther and Protestant Reformation
Type crm:P2_has_type Sound recording
Provider/keeper crm:P50_has_current_keeper AthenaPlus
Format dcterms:format 1 disco sonoro
Dimension rdai:P40010 33 1/3 rpm, stereo ; 30 cm.
Identifier rdai:P40001
Rights crm:P105_right_held_by Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma

"Broadsheet for the Centenary of the Reformation"
Metadata Property Object
Title rdai:P40082 Broadsheet for the Centenary of the Reformation
Creator dcterms:creator Conrad Grade
Date of creation crm:P4_has_time_span 1617
Current location dcterms:spatial Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett
Subject rdai:P40061 Martin Luther, Ninety-Five Theses
Description dcterms:description According to tradition, in 1517 Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses on the state of the church and on the sale of indulgences to the door of the Schlosskirche (Palace church) in Wittenberg. This woodcut was published for the hundredth anniversary of that event. Here Luther is shown writing his theses on the door of the church. His colossal quill—whose offshoots other Reformers are grabbing—pierces the head of the lion, symbol of Leo X and knocks the pope’s tiara off his head.
Type dcterms:type Broadsheet
Material dcterms:medium Woodcut
Format dcterms:format Parchment
Dimension rdai:P40010 28.8 × 35.1 cm
Provider rdai:P40004 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett
Rights rdai:P40048 Photo © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett/ Dietmar Katz; Text © Renaissance and Reformation: German Art in the Age of Dürer and Cranach, A Cooperation of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, and the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen München, Catalogue of the Exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Nov 20, 2016 – March 26, 2017, Munich: Prestel, 2016; cat. no. 35 / Michael Roth

"Verdammnis und Erlösung"
Metadata Property Object
Title crm:P102_has_title Verdammnis und Erlösung
Creator crm:P14_carried_out_by Lucas Cranach
Date of creation crm:P4_has_time_span 1529
Current Location crm:P55_has_current_location Wittenberg
Description crm:P3_has_note The allegorical image refers to the central reformatory pictorial theme law and gospel. It proclaimed Luther's doctrine of the justification of the sinful man before God only by the grace of God and faith in the crucified Christ.
Type crm:P2_has_type Painting
Material crm: P45_consists_of Tempera on limewood
Dimension crm:P43_has_dimension > 82,2 x 118 cm
Provider/Keeper crm:P50_has_current_keeper Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Rights crm:P105_right_held_by Stiftung Schloß Friedenstein Gotha / Lutz Ebhardt

"Medal on the introduction of the Reformation in Saxony in 1839"
Metadata Property Object
Title crm:P102_has_title Medaille auf Martin Luther und die Reformation 1839
Identifier crm:P48_has_preferred_identifier Inventarnummer MS/8/2004, GOS-Nr.z0002565
Provider crm:P50_has_current_keeper Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig
Date of creation crm:P4_has_time_span 1839
Dimension crm:P43_has_dimension 39 mm
Material crm:P45_consists_of Silver
Type crm:P2_has_type Medal
Subject crm:P67_refers_to Reformation, Martin Luther